
Is that roof leaking?  How do you know if you should have it repaired, restored, or totally replaced?  That is the dilemma facing every commercial building owner or property manager.  Knowing “what to do” in an area outside your expertise is almost as hard as knowing who to trust.

Trust your friends over at Roman’s Roofing and Restoration.  We are your local roofing experts.  When you call us with a roof concern, you can rest assured the situation will be addressed in a professional and cost-efficient fashion.

Roman’s Roofing and Restoration are experts in the repair of these roofing systems:

  • Metal roofs
  • TPO
  • PVC
  • Spray foam
  • EPDM
  • And others

Repair or Restore?

Honestly, that decision generally breaks down to the amount of repair necessary and the cost involved.  In some cases, the cost of the repairs involved make restoration a more financially appropriate decision.

When repair is the right decision, the Roman’s team will ensure the job is done professionally and correctly the first time.

Taking the time to match materials, ensure a watertight repair, and minimize disruption to your business are the priorities of Roman’s Roofing and Restoration when a repair is required.

Should an insurance claim or roofing warranty be involved, we will work closely with your business and your insurance company, providing all information needed in a timely fashion and ensuring that our work meets all parameters that the claim or warranty require.

If it is determined that restoration is the best decision, our expert team will discuss all of your options and assist you with determining the best solution for your specific situation.

What to Expect

When you call the team at Roman’s Roofing and Restoration, you can anticipate:

  • Consultation. We will schedule an initial consultation, at your convenience, for our experts to meet with you.
  • Inspection. Your roofing system will be thoroughly inspected, not only the area in need of immediate attention, but the entire area.  Trained eyes will frequently see areas of concern that others may miss.
  • Written report. You will be provided with a written report detailing all of our findings.  We will include recommendations for either repair, restoration, or replacement, based solely on those findings.  We will include estimates of costs, to enable you to make the best decision possible.
  • Claims. Should the work involve a warranty or insurance claim, we will work diligently on your behalf to ensure the claim is approved and the work authorized.
  • Scheduling. Once approved, the Roman’s team will work with your business, scheduling the work to be completed with as little interruption as possible.
  • Installation. Whether a repair, renovation, or full replacement, the installation will be completed in the most professional fashion possible.  We believe in doing the job once.
  • Clean up. The only evidence of the roofing job you should see is the newly repaired roof looking beautiful on your commercial building.

Want more information?  Call Roman’s Roofing and Restoration at 641-203-3538 and schedule that consultation.  You will be amazed how easy a roofing repair call can be when you make the right call the first time.